Fellowship of the American Academy: The Aleatoric Landscape
In recognition of his design investigations, Willett was honored as a Fellow of the American Academy in Rome in 2006. During his Fellowship, he focused his research on historic landscapes and their contemporary use, exploring the meaning of these landscapes in relation to the choreography of the body in space. His work, titled “The Aleatoric Landscape,” showcased his artistic talents through painting, sculpture, and writing, capturing the character and vibrancy of landscapes that integrate spontaneity, chance, and randomness in their formation.
One pivotal moment in Willett’s career was his contribution to the restoration of the beloved Crissy Field in San Francisco while working at Hargreaves Associates. This experience reinforced his belief in the sculptural potential of landscapes as profoundly memorable experiences.
Starting CMG Landscape Architecture
In 2000, Willett co-founded CMG Landscape Architecture, a firm with a design approach rooted in pragmatism, innovation, and collaboration. He has led the firm’s largest culturally and historically significant projects over the past twenty-three years including Civic Center Public Space Design, UC Berkeley Lower Sproul Plaza, and Sunnylands Retreat. Willett’s approach emphasizes the creation of purposeful places that conserve history, engage visitors, and cultivate new collective memories. By closely listening to communities and building trust, he ensures that his landscapes reflect the history and unique identity of a place while providing contemporary value to the present community.
“I’d like to acknowledge and thank my collaborators who have helped realize these thoughtful and evocative spaces that inspire and connect people.” – Willett Moss
Willett Moss’s designation as an ASLA Fellow is a testament to his exemplary career as a landscape architect and his unwavering commitment to the revitalization of cultural landscapes through design. With a passion for the intersection of history, landscape, and the physical experience they create, Willett continues to craft purposeful and memorable public spaces.